Thursday, May 8, 2008

my first roll of coloured slides

most of them didnt turn out so well.. perfect evidence of an inexperience lomo user working on asa100 slides.. hahaha TSK NEWBIE LEH WAT DO YOU EXPECT! tssssssk!

but i'm very surprised how different the colours turned out for different shots.. i've got green, blue, saturated burst of colours and its amazing! its not like just a standard colour for all shots you know wat i mean? The amazing thing abt lomo cameras - each shot is a surprise! ookkk maybe there is a formula to this.. but heck! so exciting! i wanna try it again!

oh and btw.. welcome to Siglap, Singapore!


wuweijie said...

the 3rd photo.. the colours are awesome man! like something i would see from a band photo or something.. think the yellow table and the cup of tea sorta made a difference..

Elaine ChanChan said...

thanks! try cross processing the results are real cool =)