Wednesday, June 3, 2009

a tip from Maurice Noble

Hello alls!

Thought i'd just share this short poem with everyone of you reading this.. its taken from this wonderfully illustrated biographical book called "Noble Boy" by Scott Morse, which documents the life of an acclaimed artist named Maurice Noble.. so for most part it talks mostly abt this guy but at the last few pages of the "board book" Scott Morse did manage to squeeze in a tip or two which i think most of us artist out there might find useful =) ok cut the crap here it goes:

Lets talk some shop and ramble 'bout design just for a second.
The story's always the key was what Maurice had often reckoned.

Now, what's the thing you need to say with visuals and charm?

Is it appropriate to show or cause your story harm?

The shape and line define the form where stories often lay.

Texture adds the mood and colour choice comes into play.
Reach deep for something from your past, emotion held at bay.
Then scene by scene your tale evolves, informed by each new day.
The boldness of experience must often lead the way.

On the surface, graphics need immediate impact,
But at their heart, its love that always needs to stay intact.

A love of life... you draw from life, and let it fill your mind...

Then pull from things that made you feel.

That's how it's all designed.

How can someone teach these things?
It's not just something shown.
It's something sponged up face to face,

It's something slowly grown.

One thing, one rule, sticks out the best,

One trick you cant refute:

In your art, be BOLD.
If they dont like it, then


1 comment:

Ah Joe said...

yeah salute...very chim and deep...need time to think about this poem...nice!

I like the two dimensions: "On surface, need immediate impact; inside (at the heart), always need love to stay intact"...wonderful dear!