Monday, April 6, 2009

Wedding portrait for T&S

on a freeelance project for T&S.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Fisheye lomotion

thought i'd share with you guys my lastest lomography (fisheye No.2) pictures taken mostly during my batam and KL trip..and some sometime back..cos i thought i'll gather all my film rolls first before sending them for develope at one go. to my surprised! they turnout out pretty good (i guess experience really do help) while my 2 120mm film roll came out like crap.. most are either under exposed or came out blank (i have noooooo idea why) guess i'm still learning to get use to the new camera that joe bought for me soemtime back(diana F+).

go check out the cameras from lomography! i promise you'll enjoy yourr stay =)))

just another random update

my blog is getting a bit stagnant.. so i thought i'd just throw in a random page for my sketchbook to make it look new again.. tada! i know htere's lots of mistake in there.. but thats at sketchies are for right?!? to help you discover all the mistakes you might make before its too late. =)) hey it rhymes!

have been busy with lotsa stuff.. like freelance projects, facebook and boyfriend.. so pardon me for the slow update! new stuffs coming up soon be patient!
